Mensen waar we mee werken

Guided Tripping is voor jou als je nieuwsgierig bent naar hoe entheogenen jouw persoonlijke ontwikkeling zouden kunnen ondersteunen. Recreatief gebruik interesseert je minder of ken je al. Misschien heb je er dingen over gelezen of heeft iemand een betekenisvolle ervaring met je gedeeld, met een geestverruimend middel in het algemeen, of met Guided Tripping in het bijzonder. Het heeft je interesse genoeg gewekt om te overwegen het zelf eens te proberen.

Waarschijnlijk heb je een flink deel van je leven doorgebracht als een spreekwoordelijk ‘hoofd op een stokje.’ Je hebt ondertussen ondekt (misschien door schade en schande) dat er meer te onderzoeken valt. Je bent aan jezelf gaan werken met therapieën, cursussen en methodes van meditatie, Circling, communicatietraining, embodiment, spiritualiteit, tantra…

Je hebt hier veel uitgehaald: je bent al vaker aardig voor jezelf, zit beter in je vel, kunt het perspectief en gevoel van anderen beter begrijpen, voelt je meer verbonden, dat soort fijne dingen.

Een aantal issues blijken alleen plakkeriger dan je zou willen:

  • Zelf-kritiek, hard oordelen en perfectionisme
  • Zelf-twijfel, schaamte en in rondjes denken
  • Omgaan met je hoogsensitiviteit en/of introversie in een extraverte en impulsrijke wereld
  • Vastzitten of terugvallen in beperkende overtuigingen
  • Burn-out, Bore-out of die kant op aan het gaan zijn
  • (Rook)verslaving
  • Je voelt je competent en gewaardeerd, maar twijfelt of je je volle potentieel waar aan het maken bent
  • Eenzaamheid; gebrek aan verbinding en intimiteit; partners smoren of juist van je afduwen
  • Gemakkelijk en vaak dissociëren van je lijf en het moment
  • Je diep van binnen afvragen of je wel liefde en je plek verdient; moeite met ruimte innemen
  • Gevoeliger zijn voor kritiek dan je zou willen
  • Je mening en handelen baseren op aannames over de motieven en wensen van anderen (projectie)
  • Zelf-censuur en veel bezig zijn met wat anderen van je vinden
  • Uitstelgedrag en jezelf afleiden; verslavings-achtig, afstompend gedrag
  • Anderen helpen ten koste van jezelf
  • Conflictvermijdend zijn en slecht je grenzen aangeven (als je al weet waar die lopen)
  • Je eigen geluk, echt rusten, of voluit genieten uitstellen tot… tja, wanneer eigenlijk??
  • De wens om dieper te gaan, maar niet weten hoe of durven
  • Te slim zijn voor je eigen bestwil; altijd een manier vinden om niet te hoeven veranderen
  • Feedback krijgen van mensen die je niet kunt plaatsen, maar die je wel bezighoudt (blinde vlekken)
  • Workshopverslaving en intensiteit najagen, wat steeds ook tot ‘katers’/dips leidt.

Hoe onbeweeglijk die issues ook lijken, ergens is er een hoop en een vertrouwen in je dat het anders kan. En iets in je zegt dat het betekenisvol en impactvol kan zijn om op een beuwste manier een psychoactieve stof te gebruiken.

Maar je wilt ook zeker weten dat het veilig is en alles in je bereik doen er zo veel mogelijk uit te halen: om voluit te genieten en je over te geven aan het moment zelf, diep in jezelf te duiken en positieve inzichten blijvend te implementeren in je leven.

Je hebt het vermoeden dat er delen zijn in je onbewuste, vastgeroeste patronen die in een ander licht gezien zouden kunnen worden, geüpdateted. Als een paard dat de stal ruikt, weet je dat een dieper plezier in het leven mogelijk en haalbaar is. Hoewel dat op andere manieren ook te bereiken is, denk je dat het makkelijker is om in die nieuwe huid te kruipen vanuit een totale beleving van die mogelijkheid in een ‘altered state’. Wij geloven daar ook in! Omdat we keer op keer kleine en grote wonderen hebben zien gebeuren.

PS: Check alsjeblieft of geen van de contra-indicaties en andere factoren uit de paragraaf veiligheid van toepassing op je zijn. Psilocybine is geen heilige graal en moet zorgvuldig benaderd worden.

Miriams verhaal

Ik hou ervan mensen te kunnen begeleiden tijdens heel betekenisvolle ervaringen en ze precies dat te bieden wat het moment veilig, diep, rakend en positief maakt.

Hoe is dit mijn werk geworden? Jarenlang heb ik mezelf ondergedompeld in persoonlijke en sprituele ontwikkeling, als deelnemer en trainer van verschillende methodes. Ik merkte dat die methodes mijn recreatieve gebruik van psychedelica begonnen te beïnvloeden en dat ik blijvend veranderde. Een vriend vroeg me of ik hem wilde ’tripzitten’. Hij vertelde achteraf dat die ervaring makkelijk even waardevol was als een jaar therapie.

Die dag leerde ik dat mijn aanwezigheid, heldere blik en zorg mensen in hun trip laat ontspannen. Die kwaliteiten heb ik sindsdien alleen maar verder ontwikeld. Ik bied spiegels, perspectieven, vragen e interventies die een grote impact hebben omdat ze op een diepere laag dan normaal terecht komen. Een laag die gemakkelijker dan normaal bereikt wordt vanwege de werking van de substantie.

De aanwezigheid, intuïties en vaardigheden die ik inbreng in sessies, zoals Circling, opstellingenwerk, Voice Dialogue, en lichaamswerk, maken dat de hele ervaring (inclusief de intake, voorbereiding, en integratie/nazorg) niet alleen veilig is, maar vol leven, inzichtelijk en effectief.

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I trust Miriam a lot, so I couldn’t have wished for a better guide. From the beginning to the end we were in sync. The trip made it clear why we are here – to experience consciousness and act from love. What it let me experience is indescribable/indescribably beautiful – I don’t dare find words for it, even afterwards – and makes it a lot clearer what I’m here to do. (YW, 52)

Miriam has always been calm, comforting and knowledgeable during my sessions with her. It has been very constructive to discuss my experiences with her, and she has time and again offered her own intuitions that have proven to be useful directions of exploration. Family constellations therapy on psychedelics turned out to be particularly constructive. Also, she made me feel safe as I went through hours of deep explorations. From my five sessions with her, I am considerably less anxious, I have pages and pages of insights into my own life and the workings of my mind, and I am able to take life less seriously. I am more playful, enjoying the colours of my surroundings in daily life. (ER, 37)

Miriam is a modern day shamaness! Caring, compassionate, and wise beyond her years, anytime I’ve been in an intentional setting with her has been healing, awakening, insightful. She embodies a rare combination of knowledge about what she is doing with the high sensitivity and interpersonal skilfulness that ensures a good journey. (AV, 35)

Miriam creates and atmosphere where I feel that whatever thoughts or emotions that arise within me are welcomed. I felt genuinely cared for during the trip. She asked questions or made comments that made me much more conscious of the processes that were happening inside my mind. She made me feel okay with exploring my mind and emotions at my own pace. (PB, 33)

Miriam holds space in an exquisite way and was an integral part of a journey that brought me into unity with nature and deeper wisdoms that have since influenced my work. I warmly recommend her. (ES, 39)


Aprils verhaal

Van jongs af aan hebben psychedelica en mijn eigen nieuwsgierigheid de persoon die ik vandaag de dag ben vormgegeven. Mensen vinden mijn warme, open, gegronde persoonlijkheid en mijn gevoel voor humor veilig en voedend. Ik werd altijd gebombardeerd tot ‘den mother’, degene die zorgde voor vrienden die aan het experimenteren waren. Zeker na mijn eigen ‘bad trip’ werden onderzoek naar en veiligheid van psychedelica een roeping. Dit voegt zich met mijn jarenlange beoefening en facilitatie van Authentic Relating samen tot mijn werk als tripgids. Daarin is empathie het belangrijkst voor me. Mensen vinden de ervaring dat ik écht bij ze ben, waar ze ook zijn, heel voedend. Ze worden gerustgesteld door mijn aanwezigheid en verfrissende kijk op de dingen die aan het gebeuren zijn.

Ik gebruik in mijn sessies Authentic Relating, droomuitleg, meditatie en visualisaties, filosofie, en inzichten de biologie en astrofysica. Op persoonlijk vlak hou ik me bezig met therapeutisch gebruik van psychedelica, onderzoek en analytisch denken, meditatie, Circling, en de ontspannende wetenschap dat we allemaal maar wat doen.

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April has an amazingly caring, solid way of being and a unique and disarming sense of humor. I felt in such good hands from the moment we decided to work together. She can dive into immeasurable depths without batting an eye and brought herself fully. The things she picked up on enriched my view of my already very rich experience. And I just felt pampered by her fabulous home cooking, like icing on the cake. (ME, 37)

April was the most incredible guide I could have asked for. April provided me with a perfect balance of support and challenge-where challenge was needed. I felt so profoundly seen and heard. There were few moments when she did what I didn’t even know I needed her to do. She has an incredible capacity for listening to what is said and what is in between the words. She is gentle and fierce and she allowed me to be myself in all of my vulnerability. Through this experience I was able to meet myself in ways I could not even imagine, I found more self-love and Love than I thought possible. In the timeline of my life there are not that many, if any experiences that I could call ‘life changing’ unless in retrospect. It is still rippling through my body and consciousness- and supports the remembering, the integration, which is why and how this experience has been life changing. April’s guidance was a crucial part of this process.(EG, 33)

April, from the moment we decided to dive into this quest, was present, fully engaged, and thorough in the way she prepared me for my trip. The way she walked me through this journey prepared me just the way I needed. Throughout the session, she was gentle and guided me masterfully, asking the right questions to ground me and lead me back to my intention. Brownie points – she did it with ease and her humor helped me to land. Plus her meticulous caring extended to a drinks menu and a delicious home-cooked meal.(RT, 32)

April was amazing!! I felt super safe and well taken care of. She helped me relax right away and set the atmosphere perfectly in order for me to have a profound, inner-world explorative, and personalized experience. I learned and am still learning about my internal world. The experience made me see myself from a different perspective and allowed me to interact with that. From the trip itself to the integration conversation with April, I definitely feel more connected to myself, more capable and motivated to continue to look deep inside of myself and listen and learn.(JP,22)

April just cares about people, she loves what she does, and a passion for helping others evolve is what drives her. She unobtrusively guided me towards my best interest. Before my session, I was extremely stressed, scared and uncomfortable. I even had doubts about the outcome but I stayed curious and open. During the session, I simply embraced and welcomed all sensations and visions. I was my own observer. I love the idea of having created and reconnected thousands and thousands of kilometers of paths in my brain. The outcome of the day was fabulous for me: I dropped unquantifiable limitations and I reconnected with my imagination. My perspectives are today bigger and numerous. I feel calmer and more grounded with my own self. I am ready and excited to start my new life with my true self. I am so pleased I finally met my true self. Thank you, April, for your support and guidance, for coming along on my journey, for being gentle, caring and attentive to my best interest.(LJ, 51)

I arrived in Amsterdam with several possible resources I had located on the web to guide me in a truffle trip. I had made three appointments to interview different helpers. My first appointment was with April. After talking with her for a while, I canceled my other appointments, confident I had found the person I wanted. She offered more guidance and structure than I originally thought I wanted. Nurturing. That is what April is. She has a long history of helping people navigate positive psychedelic trips. My truffle trip was just what it needed to be. I am very grateful to April and hope someday to return to Amsterdam and ask her again to be my guide.(LL, 62)


Andrews verhaal

Psychedelica (in de bredere zin van het woord, inclusief marijuana en mdma) zijn een belangrijk deel van mijn reis geweest, zowel voor heling als voor groei. Marijuana, paddo’s, lsd, peyote, ayahuasca, ibogaine, en mdma – ik zou een totaal andere ontwikkeling hebben doorgemaakt zonder sommige van de sleutelervaringen en relatie met deze medicijnen en waar ze me mee in contact lieten komen. Ik ben ook echt een integratie-freak.

Behalve marijuana heb ik deze middelen nooit recreatief gebruikt. Ik heb in mijn leven veel focus gelegd op het belichamen van deze ervaringen in mijn dagelijkse leven. Methodes en modaliteiten die ik gebruik zijn bijvoorbeeld Tibetaans Boeddhisme, therapie, focusing, Chi Kung, poëzie en filosofie. Ik breng verwondering, blijdschap, nieuwsgierigheid en liefde mee in de sessies die ik begeleid, in een naadloos samenspel van vriendelijkheid en kracht.

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I was blessed to have this first psychedelic experience with Andrew as my trip-sitter. I was in competent hands, and I felt very safe to just be there through whatever experience. What a trip! So many insights – and laughter – and synchronicities! Andrew’s presence was really important to help me ground and focus on opening spaces internally in really powerful ways. I’m amazed at his wisdom and understanding of the imaginal and non-dual, which were really important in my choice of a sitter. And what a BIG HEART you are Andrew! With such a beautiful, devotional way of being. This has been a big milestone in my life journey. I’m no more the same, after the trip, with many orders of magnitude – ow a few months afterwards. Most importantly, I’m owning more of who I am in my whole multidimensionality. (AE, )


Hilde’s story

For 11 years I have been professionally guiding people toward becoming more of themselves, because I just love to encourage people to grow and flower! Adding truffles to the list of ‘tools’ I work with was a very natural choice that I feel deeply grateful for every time all over again. They open us up to our true potential with so much ease, care and love,
I create an atmosphere and setting that allows you to express your emotions and thoughts while feeling welcome and comforted. Also I will ask you questions and give you nudges that help you to dive a layer deeper into your inner world. Many times I have been told by clients that my presence empowered them to face even the most difficult emotions, and how much of a relief it was to finally express them and let them go.
In this way, we create space for new possibilities and options based on your potential for a more fulfilling life on all levels and more zest for life!
Among other modalities, I incorporate (guided) meditation, energy work, emotional bodywork, authentic expression forms like voice liberation, dance / movement etc, and authentic communication and relating.

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Hilde is probably the person I felt most comfortable with in years. Although she is sweet and nice, she makes sure I do not get distracted. She keeps my intention on track and clear to me every time I get off route. I now have a few ideas to work on:) and I really enjoyed her company a lot. (KH, 32)

My session with Hilde was very very powerful. She had a feel for the right direction to nudge the session in while letting me discover my own path. She intuitively knew when to step back and when to be actively involved. She asked the right questions at the right times – and made sure to never lose sight of my core intention for the session. The session helped me break an addictive habit that had been present for me for a long time, reaffirmed for me my commitment to someone I love deeply – and renewed in me my openness and willingness to engage in very active self-care. My experience with Hilde was deeply transformational – and I highly recommend her.(SR, 36)

I highly recommend Hilde to anyone who wants to experience a more profound, spiritual and therapeutic experience with truffles. I had done psychedelics before in a recreational setting, and was apprehensive about taking them again as I’d experienced what is commonly referred to as a “bad trip”, but Hilde has a strong sense of intuition and was able to recognise my pent up emotion prior to starting the session, and she created just the right atmosphere and setting to allow me to express that emotion; to heal and purge the anxiety from myself, without feeling embarrassed and ashamed. Hilde’s presence was constantly comforting, but also her manner encouraged me to find the answers I sought myself, rather than her providing them for me. A superb guide, and an enlightening experience which has helped me reconnect with my true self, and to the true nature of God and the Divine. I am extremely grateful for the journey, and for Hilde. (CA, 34)


Hannekes verhaal

Psychodynamsich therapeut in hart, mens in ziel. Zolang als ik mezelf bewust ben, ben ik geïntrigeerd in ‘het leven’ en ‘mens zijn’. Leven, hoe doe je dat? Mens zijn, wat is dat?
In deze ontdekkingstocht hebben psychedelica (LSD, psilocybine, DMT, ayahuasca) voor mij een belangrijke rol gespeeld, en doen dat nog steeds. Psychedelica zorgen ervoor dat ik op andere en diepere lagen contact kan maken met wat er in mij leeft en hoe ik me verhoud tot de wereld om me heen. Mijn ervaring is dat mijn perspectieven veranderen, blokkades zichtbaar worden of verdwijnen en dat er nieuwe manieren van doen en zijn zich aandienen.
Juist deze ervaringen inspireerden me om therapeut te worden.
Verruiming, geaardheid, acceptatie, integratie, vreugde, levenslust en wouwheid is wat ik de sessie in breng. Door mijn eigen ervaring en begeleiding, door mijn vaardigheden als therapeut (NLP, traumaverwerking, hypno- en regressietherapie, innerlijk kind werk, emotioneel lichaamswerk, voice dialogue, energiewerk), en door mijn passie & fascinatie voor al het leven.

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Hanneke was such an amazing guide. I had the good fortune of finding her profile online before doing my guided trip in Amsterdam. From that profile I felt a real groundedness in her. After exchanging emails and meeting over zoom, I knew I had found a great match. She was so intuitive as to what I needed starting with being very present and helping me to ground and review my intentions at the start, to giving me any space I needed during my inner experience, to helping me integrate the experience after. I had wished for someone to hold a space for me while I did my inner exploration and the whole experience could not have turned out more perfectly!
The experience itself was so beautiful for me. It is difficult to put into words but I felt such an assurance that everything in my life was as it was supposed to be. I had a flood of beautiful memories from my life come to me. The experience has created a lot of positive change in my life. I am more at ease, more productive and feel a greater clarity of thought. I felt so at ease as soon as I entered Hanneke’s space. The setting itself was a beautiful warm room with a big couch full of pillows. There were windows on two sides of the room, which at times flooded the space with beautiful light. I had planned to use an eye mask, but ended up watching the ever-changing sky and clouds and feeling such a sense of oneness with the universe.
I felt safe, comfortable and gently supported by Hanneke the entire time. She held such a healing space for me. I wholeheartedly recommend her. I feel so grateful to her for her caring, generous, and gentle presence during my experience. I am planning to do another guided trip with her in the near future.
(NR, 56)


Melissa’s story

Embodying the spirit of adventure, my passion in life has always been to explore the unknown. Fascinated by nature, indigenous cultures and the experience of freedom I journeyed extensively around the globe and into invisible realms.

My enthusiasm for health and wellbeing guided me to obtain a solid educational background within both academic and holistic specializations related to personal and social development. Studying and experiencing different kinds of healing modalities, trauma integration therapies, nutrition and visionary plant medicines. Has given me a thorough understanding of holding space and guiding people to higher states of consciousness in a safe yet profound way. 

My clients appreciate my intuition, gentle nature and strong presence. Helping you to feel safe and cared for while getting out of your comfort zone. Knowing how vulnerable you can feel when stepping on unknown territory, I support you in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner. Allowing you to release and unfold what is hidden deep inside at your own pace. To help you connect with your essence, to authentically embrace all of yourself and experience the beauty and magic of being human!

The foundation of the body-mind centered practices I facilitate are Internal Family Systems Therapy, somatic awareness, inner child and shadow work. 

I offer guided psychedelic journeys, Vision Quests, Temazcal and Kambo ceremonies. 

* Depending on the season sessions with Melissa can be hosted in Amsterdam, Mexico or another country where the sacramental or therapeutic use of mushrooms is legal.

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Leading up to my first private mushroom ceremony with Melissa, I had synchronicities that led me to personally ask her for guidance. With her knowledge & experiences in ancient ceremonies, including other areas of holistic health, I knew she will be the right person to guide me on my journey. I felt a lot of trust and faith in her.

During the session, she created an energetic loving space for me as I started my journey going inward. Helping me to feel safe and cared for. She was grounded, focused & calm while guiding me through this process. Her work and vision are very attuned.
Being personally prepared and guided on this journey was a very meaningful experience for me. I’s difficult to explain in either a spiritual or technical perspective, but I know how it feels…. inspired and powerful.

Melissa followed up with me afterwards. I shared the stories of my experiences with her, and it helped me to see them with new & positive perspectives & integrate them into my daily life. It helped me to reconnect with nature and my own essence again & communicate with it more often.  (A. 36)

“Talking on the phone with Melissa to get to know our guide gave us instant trust to go on a journey with her. She felt personal, reassuring and reliable.
We are incredibly grateful for her loving and gentle care leading up to the session. It already brought up so much insight and was really important for the unfolding of the whole healing process.
Arriving at her beautiful place felt like coming home, she has created such a warm and welcoming space.
Melissa is such a special being, we can’t find the words for it. What’s so incredible is that she feels very familiar and safe, yet at the same time exudes a natural kind of strength and authority. She has a lot of knowledge and wisdom. Which made us feel very protected and supported.
On the other hand, she feels like a good friend you could tell anything, and who makes you feel fully heard and understood.
It has been a blessing to experience this beautiful, transformational journey with her! (F. 33 & N.34)

“Before I came to Melissa my head was a chaos, the preparation session has really helped me to re-frame my thoughts. And gave me more trust in my own intuition.
Melissa exudes tranquility and I felt very much at ease with her.
It’s been a month since my journey. I never thought this experience would bring me this close to my beautiful self. I never thought that my life could change so much. I’m feeling so strong and grounded, yet at the same time gentle and open. I see small and large miracles happening every day. Everything from my essence, my authentic core. All thanks to the mushrooms and sweet Melissa who guided me with so much confidence and love.
I’m Home within myself!” (G. 37)


Ajit’s story

My time in the military got me interested in serving traumatized veterans in better ways than what is currently available. As soon as I learned about Guided Tripping and their approach, I jumped on board. I have been advising the guides on how to best support clients with certain medications and medical or psychological issues for a few years. After an unofficial internship with a leading psychiatrist in San Fransisco, I’m able to support people more directly as well whenever I’m in Amsterdam. My approach is very personal and engaging, tailoring the experience for a healthy, productive outcome; whether it be about processing trauma or tapping into the next chapter that’s waiting for you.

On a personal note: I love music (especially Britpop) and going to concerts, movies, and good food & drink enjoyed in good company.

Prior to becoming a physician, Dr. Dhillon served in the Infantry with the U.S. Marine Corps. He is currently licensed to practice in the European Union, receiving his medical degree from the Medical University of Lublin in Poland. He began his academic career at the Yale School of Medicine Basic Science Review and was awarded a research apprenticeship with the U.S. Department of Defense in collaboration with George Washington University in neuroendocrinology. He then became one of the pioneers of cannabis treatments with applications to cancer, autoimmune disease, and bipolar disorder. Risking a lot, he continued due to his belief in it, with amazing results. During the pandemic, he managed a COVID-hospital.

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Lynn’s story

Lynn supports preparation and integration processes live in New York City and online. She has been a body-oriented therapist specialising in intimacy for over three decades, working with CORE Energetics and breathwork among many other modalities.

“In 2018, a client of mine had decided to do an MDMA session with another practitioner and asked me to do the preparation and integration pieces of the session. This client was on 2 different antidepressants and an anti-anxiety medication that we needed to wean her off of in order for her to do the journey. Her psychiatrist and I worked for over a month to wean her off the medications, which was rough going. She did the session and crashed hard post-journey and became suicidal.

What I saw was really a serotonin deficiency and at that point, I decided to use neurofeedback. The system I use rebalances the serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain pretty quickly. Within 2 and a half hours my client felt exponentially better and has not gone back on any of her medication since that session. Both the session and the support afterwards were integral parts of the process.

That is when I saw the efficacy of supported experiences and became a preparation and integration facilitator in order to learn as much as I could about this seminal work. I have not looked back since, and find it miraculous. I hope that this work becomes legalized in the US so that people can receive the help they need.”

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Nils’ verhaal

Mijn missie is om je te helpen verbinden met je innerlijke schoonheid, de authentieke levenskracht die zo vaak bedolven is geraakt onder trauma, conditionering en beperkte gedachtes.

Op mijn eigen Grote Reis Inwaarts zijn psychedelica belangrijke gidsen en verlichters van mijn pad. LSD, psilocybine, ayahuasca, MDMA (en binnenkort mescaline) geven me diepe inzichten, verruimen mijn bewustzijn en helpen me verzachten en landen; ik geloof dat ze hetzelfde voor jou kunnen betekenen.
Als ademwerker gebruik ik adem- en lichaamswerk om je te helpen jouw psychedelische reis te navigeren en te integreren. Ook kun je vertrouwen op de meditatieve aandacht, belichaamde aanwezigheid en zachte intuïtie die ik de afgelopen twee decennia heb gecultiveerd middels circling, meditatie en andere methodieken. Ik bied je een veilige setting, zodat jij je volledig kunt overgeven aan je ervaring.

Tenslotte ben ik als schrijver momenteel bezig aan mijn tweede boek, over hoe psychedelica en andere helingsmodaliteiten me hebben helpen omgaan met depressie. Ik kijk ernaar uit om je te ontmoeten!

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We obviously specialize in private sessions. But to support preparation and integration, we also offer free, online, experiential practices, integration circles, and Q&A sessions under the name BiteSize. Upcoming installments can be found below. No registration is required, just showing up on time.

If you subscribe to our blog, you will also be updated (once, and only once!) when we plan new events.

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